Taz X14

CRank: 5Score: 46460

That's quite admirable and a great way to introduce people to their engine. By the time they're finished school they'll be used to developing and designing in it and will probably be most students go to engine.

Get em while they're young as tobacco companies liked to say!

3559d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly putting out opposing articles like this is ridiculous. They're not some small bit place looking for hits, they're Forbes ffs. I don't mind if they write about tech and gaming, but if they're going to they have to put forth an actual effort considering they're well known for business news and shouldn't be acting like most terrible gaming journalists using terrible writers that just aim for hits.

I think a place like this could do well by actua...

3573d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Posted this:
I've read both the article and the comments you've made. Some people have made valid complaints about your article and your response has been "You didn’t read the article". To be honest I think your flamebaiting tactics such as your title to garner hits on a site like Forbes is quite despicable.
In your article you seem to miss on many aspects that Sony had innovated on over MS just to point out that they went for a games only machine. Fair enou...

3574d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I currently reside in China and I can tell you this is not going to go well for them. First it's being released at supermarkets and electronics stores to improve brand recognition. However it's going to have the opposite effect since it's priced at 4,000 yuan. To think they don't have the xbox here already is ludicrous. Most gaming shops can get them and at 1000 yuan or less, problem is it just doesn't sell here.

MS doesn't make the games the Chinese ...

3575d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't mind reintroducing old characters and giving them a new look but I don't understand why we have to change the very nature of characters. If you are going to re imagine a character and change their sex, race, etc, why not just create a new character altogether? That way you don't have to worry about the hardcore fans being upset at changes, you don't have all the controversy over these things and you also get to have complete creative control.

I know f...

3580d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well since they're including clickers and bloaters in Diablo 3 ultimate edition, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if one or both made it into MkX.

3580d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a bit of a problem with that list. I have no complaints with Halo, Project Spark, Forza, or sunset overdrive being in there but the rest are not AAA blockbusters, or blockbusters for that matter.

Ori is as much of a blockbuster as Journey is. While both are great games, no question, they are not blockbusters. If that were the case then SOny would padding their lists out with things like resogun, pixeljunk shooter, etc. They're great games, but for the most part no...

3645d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

TBH I think you should play it on whichever system you have. If you just so happen to have both, most would probably recommend buying it on ps4 unless you're heavy into your gamerscore. The only big difference to me will be if they do what they did with Wolfenstein New Order and offer a discount for it on psn plus. Between the two consoles I definitely prefer the ps4, and for me saving another 7 or 8 bucks plays a huge part for me. I own almost every single game released on the ps4 thus f...

3664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, seriously Nintendo? This is why I haven't bought a game in months. "huh, everyone else is having a sale... Knock just a couple dollars of everything and call it a holiday sale".

Really, Trine 2 is on sale, one of your launch titles that has also just been relaunched on the ps4 with prettier details and more features (especially 3d,which is quite nice), for the same price as your sale price! Get it together Nintendo!

3816d ago 5 agree19 disagreeView comment

You know, a lot of those terms and agreements you so often make note of would never hold the light of day in court. Essentially if things like that were possible, then companies could charge people for whatever service they wanted cancel it as people paid and run with the cash. A lot of times this is called fraud. Cingular, Target, T-mobile, Etc. have all been sued or settled out of court for doing such things. People hardly ever notice or care except the people who are having these things ha...

4787d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
4831d ago Show

One game that stands out in terms of water effects for me is still Bauldur's Gate Dark Alliance. First time I saw that I was just like wow... even now it's not the worst ever. God they need a new sequel with todays standards.

5047d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Installed and updating. I'll be online in a few!

5061d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a HK PS3 as I'm currently residing in China, it's 03/02/2010 and I can tell you waiting 24 hours for it to reset won't help. Another thing that's also very odd is that all of this began at 12pm here on March 1st not am, so I really don't know what's all going on. Just giving ya'll a heads up from the other side to say we're having these problems too and it`ll definitely take some serious firmware to fix this up.
Oh and when it reaches the 2nd of Jan on the ps3 it resets the the 1...

5208d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a HK PS3 as I'm currently residing in China, it's 03/02/2010 and I can tell you waiting 24 hours for it to reset won't help. Another thing that's also very odd is that all of this began at 12pm here on March 1st not am, so I really don't know what's all going on. Just giving ya'll a heads up from the other side to say we're having these problems too and it`ll definitely take some serious firmware to fix this up.

5208d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd have to disagree. While I might agree with things such as tools/ cars, etc, Americans aren't the best at making electronics. Suffice to say, Japan will have that title for a while. Most of the stuff you see, they're light years ahead of most of the world. Iphone is the perfect example, an american made phone that's way overpriced, overrated, and has serious problems. Yes they've made it flashier, but compared to others in the phone market I wouldn't even consider it to be in the top 10.

5366d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ya I agree, hopefully the have attachments/ controls on the backside of these for addition controls rather than using the DS3, maybe they just don't want to show the other parts yet?

5366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing is most of the things you mentioned aren't for gaming, but everything else. I'm thankful for things like Facebook, etc being added, but is that what we've come to? I remember people knocked PS3 as being more of an "entertainment system" than a gaming machine, but now it seems the tide is changing and that 360 fans are making the same claims. I thought gaming was about just that, gaming, not how much fun you can have in the menu systems.

5366d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but there are 2 things that concern me first being that Natal, while it has the ability to incorporate items into the screen, has no buttons. The biggest reason I see it being called and used as an eyetoy is that it really seems like an upgraded version.

Now don't get me wrong, it is still kinda cool, but I don't see it going too far without those peripherals. Not to say they can't add them at a later time though.

Second being the few complaints of a delay with with...

5366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually think that the market would be better off with this if every game company did it. All they're doing is adding an extra freebie. So long as it isn't game breaking like it includes a super important piece of the plot or the ultimate sword of pure awesomeness, lol, I see it as an extra freebie.

What might annoy me is if this isn't included inside the game. I hate places like gamestop using things like this as incentive cause it forces me to shop there, which I absolutely ...

5408d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment